Visi Misi

Mewujudkan ekonomi Pancasila untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia.

A yellow sign with red lettering lists food items such as nasi goreng, nasi mawut, mie goreng, and mie kuah along with their price. The sign is attached to a wooden frame structure and there is a large tree on the right side.
A yellow sign with red lettering lists food items such as nasi goreng, nasi mawut, mie goreng, and mie kuah along with their price. The sign is attached to a wooden frame structure and there is a large tree on the right side.
Ekonomi Pancasila

Inovasi dan keberlanjutan untuk semua.

A collection of woven pouches, traditionally known as ketupat, made from coconut or palm leaves, arranged neatly on a tray. The pouches display two primary colors: brown and light yellow, and are tightly packed in a grid-like pattern.
A collection of woven pouches, traditionally known as ketupat, made from coconut or palm leaves, arranged neatly on a tray. The pouches display two primary colors: brown and light yellow, and are tightly packed in a grid-like pattern.
A street food cart with a sign reading 'Telor Gulung' is set up in a bustling outdoor area. The cart has eggs displayed in a glass case and cooking utensils are present. A group of people, some wearing face masks, are standing and walking nearby. One person is dressed in a pink hijab and white clothes, while another wears a white t-shirt with a graphic print.
A street food cart with a sign reading 'Telor Gulung' is set up in a bustling outdoor area. The cart has eggs displayed in a glass case and cooking utensils are present. A group of people, some wearing face masks, are standing and walking nearby. One person is dressed in a pink hijab and white clothes, while another wears a white t-shirt with a graphic print.
A street vendor wearing a face mask is preparing traditional cakes in a small blue stall. The vendor is working with a metal steaming pot typically used for making snacks, and a towel is draped over their shoulder. The word 'PUTU' is displayed on the stall.
A street vendor wearing a face mask is preparing traditional cakes in a small blue stall. The vendor is working with a metal steaming pot typically used for making snacks, and a towel is draped over their shoulder. The word 'PUTU' is displayed on the stall.
Perjuangan Rakyat

Bersama kita wujudkan visi misi yang berkelanjutan.

Membangun Ekonomi Pancasila Bersama

Prabowo dan Gibran berkomitmen untuk mengimplementasikan paham ekonomi Pancasila yang menggabungkan kapitalisme dan sosialisme guna menciptakan kemajuan dan kesejahteraan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.

Two individuals are sitting at a conference table with microphones, one wearing a red headscarf. A large banner in the background displays text related to a health reform event in Indonesia. Several bottles and glasses are on the table, and a projection screen is visible to the left.
Two individuals are sitting at a conference table with microphones, one wearing a red headscarf. A large banner in the background displays text related to a health reform event in Indonesia. Several bottles and glasses are on the table, and a projection screen is visible to the left.
Visi dan Misi Kami
Bersama Membangun Masa Depan

Bergabunglah dalam perjuangan kami untuk membangun Indonesia yang berkelanjutan, dimana inovasi dan kesejahteraan sosial saling mendukung demi menciptakan kesinambungan bagi generasi yang akan datang.